Friday, 28 October 2011


“The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist.”

Dr. Maria Montessori


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Development of eye hand coordination and concentration.

 Rolling  a mat

Direct: To enable the child to unroll a mat as a preparation for later working with materials on the floor. Indirect: Coordination of movement, development of muscles, and concentration.
Points of Interests Watching to see that the ends of the mat remain flat as it is rolled.

Pouring pasta

Direct: To assist the child in developing the skill of pouring.
Indirect: Preparations of the fingers when picking up spilled pasta.

Points of Interests Seeing that all the pasta are transferred.

Spindle box

MATERIAL:  A wooden box with ten compartments numbered 0 to 9 along the back and 45 wooden spindles.
Control of Error
There are 45 spindles. The sum of the numbers 1 to 9 is 45, so there are exactly the right number of spindles for the exercise. If a mistake is made, the child will find that he has either too few or too many spindles when he comes to the last compartment. He can correct his work independently.
To see the numerals 0 to 9 in sequence. To associate the corresponding quantities with the numerals. To introduce the concept of zero. With the number rods and tactile numerals, the sequence of numbers was indicated by the segmented rods and the numerals were loose. In this exercise, the sequence of numbers is indicated on the box and the quantities are loose.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Children's House Montessori Daycare

It is understood that 50% of the child's mental intelligence has developed by the age of four. They have a remarkable ability to learn from their environment.
Dr. Montessori's recognition of this ABSORBENT MIND led her to develop a unique method of education.
She believed, and through the years it has been proven, that a child needs freedom to learn so that his/her intellectual, social, moral and spiritual development is nurtured and satisfied.
In Montessori schools this freedom of choice to learn is provided in a prepared environment which is stimulating and interesting to the child. This environment allows a child to satisfy his/her curiosity in his surroundings and so develop his interests and abilities.
All materials are very inviting and the child finds learning from an early age an enjoyable thing to do.
Children with a Montessori background are better prepared (more confident, more intelligent, more aware) to face the ever changing and challenging world around them. 

Children working!

The Children's House Montessori Daycare

~Children working~